Tell CBS to Air a Special about Amateur Radio in Puerto Rico

Tonight, 10/31/2017, CBS aired an episode of NCIS in which amateur radio was grossly misrepresented. Among other things, amateur radio operators were portrayed as social outcasts, and CB-style "handles" were used instead of valid FCC-issued callsigns. It's time to hold the media and broadcasting companies accountable for how they portray amateur radio. It's not just 100 year old technology, and it's not just a quaint hobby. We hams know that amateur radio has evolved with technology, and in some cases, even driven it. Amateur radio thrives in the digital age, because we can integrate digital technologies. Most importantly, we are willing and able to provide vital communications when critical infrastructure fails. Emergency management agencies at all levels have us written into their plans. Sign this petition and urge CBS to air a special about amateur radio and how vital it has been in emergency communications, especially the recent hurricanes.

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